顯示具有 軟體 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章
顯示具有 軟體 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


以前一直找不到好的軟體,現在,這一套有發音、有圖像、可以輸入,應該可以解決許多學習者的問題。更重要的,這是一個不花錢又好用的 freeware。

有幾項功能蠻不錯的 (看來以後要專文寫才行) ,包括輸入單行、多行、反轉等等,這都可以辦到。所以以後怕自己畫得醜的人,真的是有福了。如果你想了解更多,那就等筆者多一點時間寫使用方式囉。


  • JSesh is a complete and professionnaly usable hieroglyphic editor.

  • JSesh texts can be copied and pasted into other softwares (as MS/Word or Openoffice). It is also possible to create pictures in various graphical formats (jpeg, png, pdf, svg, emf, macpict, etc...)

  • It is is definitly allowed to use JSesh for publication. Mention of its use (in the same way one does mention fonts used in a book) would be nice, but is not an absolute requirement.

  • JSesh is free: you can download and use it at no cost, and give copies of it.

  • JSesh is opensource: its java code is freely available (under the LGPL license). For the user, it's definitly safer, as it means that, even if its present author was unable to work on it, other computer scientists might take on the development.

按一下 "Download" 就會連到下載頁面。

加汀納符號列表目錄(Gardiner's sign list catalog)

艾倫加汀納(Alan Henderson Gardiner)爵士,(1879 年 3 月 29 日 - 1963 年 12 月 19 日)是英國埃及古物學家、語言學家和獨立學者。他被認為是 20 世紀早期和中期,最傑出的埃及古物學家之一。 他在學校讀書時,對古埃及產生了興趣,並於...