晚期法老 Late Period Pharaohs
拖勒密時期 Ptolemaic Kings
羅馬皇帝統治時期 Roman Emperors
- Collection of Date Converters (Gregorian, Julian, Jewish, Mayan, French Revolution)
- Gregorian-Hijri Dates Converter - Another Islamic (Hijri) / Gregorian Date Converter
- Hebrew Date Converter - Gregorian Calendar, Julian Calendar, Ancient Roman (Julian) Date Converter
- French Revolutionary Calendar - Western-Chinese Calendar Converter
Calendars and Programming
- The Best of Dates, the Worst of Dates
- Perl DateTime-Project
Online Resources on Ancient Egypt
- Special Subject Collection in Egyptology, University Library Heidelberg (N. Kloth)
Calendrical Calculations: A book that describes algorithms for converting between many different calendar systems, including the Gregorian and Chinese.
On-line version of Calendrical Calculations
The mathematics of the Chinese Calendar: Excellent background information on Chinese calendar, including Mathematica packages.
Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac: Has a chapter on different calendar systems, including information on the Chinese lunar calendar.
The Calendar Chapter for the above book
Site with good cultural and historical information about the Chinese calendar
2,000 Year Chinese-Western Calendar Converter (in Chinese)
The Chinese Calendar: General background information
NJ Star Chinese Lunar Calendar
KAIROS Calendar Converter
The Solar Terms
CND Printable Chinese Calendars and Lunar Calendar Converter
Chinese Lunar Calendar for PalmOS
Utility that displays both the Gregorian and Chinese Calendar given a particular month
Calendar Studies: Information about various calendar systems. Very thorough.
DOS Calendar Converters
Lunar, an UNIX Chinese/Western calendar converter. It also has a web-based interface.
Gregorian-Lunar Calendar Conversion Tables (Years 1901-2100)
Chinese Festivals and Holidays
Dates of Chinese festivals
Chinese New Year electronic greeting cards from 123Greetings.com.
加汀納符號列表目錄(Gardiner's sign list catalog)
艾倫加汀納(Alan Henderson Gardiner)爵士,(1879 年 3 月 29 日 - 1963 年 12 月 19 日)是英國埃及古物學家、語言學家和獨立學者。他被認為是 20 世紀早期和中期,最傑出的埃及古物學家之一。 他在學校讀書時,對古埃及產生了興趣,並於...
首先說明一下,古埃及是指西元前三千年古埃及創立的時候,一直到西元前30年古埃及衰敗的時間,你現在去的是「現代埃及」這種可能是好康的裸體畫面已經不付存在。 古埃及氣候比較乾燥、炎熱,所以根據你的血統、職業、工作差異,衣物、打扮也大不相同。如果有衣服可以穿,那麼以亞麻作為原料製...
梅傑德真是不知名的神嗎?What kind of God is Medjed? 最近,我們在臉書(Facebook)舉辦一個徵詢活動時,貼了一張梅傑德(Medjed)的圖片,沒想到引來許多人的回響。大家的問題不外乎有三: 1. 梅傑德是真的嗎?這張圖是真的還是漫畫家...
以下這些是常見的古埃及文字母表 ( 為何叫古埃及文,不叫象形文字 ),通常是一個古埃及符號指向一個英文字母,看起來是對應的關係。 事實上, 它們只是音的對應,並不是意義的對應喔! 也就是說,你可以用來製作姓名等名詞翻譯,要拿它來當字典般的翻譯機是不可能的。 舉例...